Welcome to my website. I am Mark Lasoff, an experienced amateur potter. This website was developed by my good friend, David Neiman. David offered to work with me so I could market my wares. I usually have a yearly sale ,but due to that nasty covid pandemic, not this year.
I will celebrate my 30th year since my dear wife, Susan, had the inspiration to sign me up for a ceramics class. Most of my wares were made at the Northern Clay Center. That organization does a terrific job of providing a variety of ceramic education, facilities, promotion and generous studio time. I could not realistically do my work without their existence
As my throwing skills improved, and as the number of clay vessels accumulated in our storage room, it was time to share my work with others. I started to sell my work and donated the proceeds to fund my favorite non-profit human service, Walk-in Counseling Center. They provide free, no strings attached, mental health counseling for anyone who asks for it. I volunteered there for 30 some years. The organization recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. It is reputed to be the only service of its kind: free mental health care provided by professional counselors.
So, the good news is that you can shop at your leisure; no crowds, no weather challenges, no nasty viruses to share. Another plus is that I will deliver the ceramics to your door! NO extra charge! (for those in the twin cities that is, out of towners have to pay my airfare and $500 a day for expenses). How convenient! and you don’t have to make those difficult choices right away on a one day only sale. Stay on the site for a while and enjoy.
As you will see, each item(s) have a number assigned. When you decide on ones you wish to buy, please jot down that number to report to me. Otherwise, I would have to dig through about 20 boxes of heavily wrapped goods to find the required items.
Prices remain pretty much as before; larger items for $40 and small ones $25-30. There are some sets that have a different amount. Cash or Check fine. Not ready to tackle online sales or credit cards yet. And, don’t forget my preferred buyer special. If you purchase $100 worth, you get a bonus free item of any size or shape.
And that’s not all: Satisfaction guarantee! If what you see online has little resemblance to what you thought you were buying, I will gladly make a full refund. I think the photos give a pretty fair image of how things look, but then again, I am not a professional photographer. Some parts may be a little shadowy or too shiny; you’ll see. Another illusion is the size of the pieces. Unless stated, this may be quite deceptive, but I have a list of each one measured within about a 1/4 “. Good idea to check with me on that account.
So here’s to the wonderful world of ceramics and the wonderful services of Walk-in Counseling Center.
Questions?: marklasoffpottery@gmail.com 612-235-6860
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